
When it comes to shopping for technology, few things are more intimidating than looking for a new computer. Unfortunately, if you aren't sure what you are looking for, it can be really difficult to find exactly what you need. I have always loved learning new things, which is why I started investing a lot of time and energy into honing my technology skills. This blog is here to help people to know what to look for when shopping for technology, so that you can really enjoy a great new machine. Check out this website for tips that can help you during your next shopping trip to the tech store.

Computer Network Management Tips For Small Business Owners

12 June 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

If you own a small business that has a computer network, then it is vital that you take proactive steps to protect its data from damage and improper access. Proactive protection of your network is important for both your business and your customers. To this end, here is a list of network management tips for all small businesses to follow: Tip: Lock Down Your Network's Router One of the most common access points into a business's computer network targeted by criminals is its router. Read More …

2 Reasons To Work With An APNIC Trading Consultant When Buying IP Space

26 October 2016
 Categories: Technology, Blog

If you own a business that you really want to grow, then a great way to do this is to create an online space for it. Having a functional online space will make it easier to advertise your business to a much bigger audience because anyone that has access to the internet will potentially be able to find your online space. The first step to getting your online space is to determine how much space you need and then purchase it. Read More …

Gearing Up For Online Gaming? Check Your Net

6 September 2016
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Online gaming has grown exponentially in just the past decade, transforming the once-hidden, whimsical and gritty worlds of geek- and savant-limited gaming to something that anyone can enjoy. Entering a digital world may be available to more people, but the higher echelons of skilled play still require quick reflexes, planning, a decent computer, and a stable internet connection. As you look for new games or plan for new content in current games, take the time to understand how the internet works with your gaming. Read More …

3 Different Server Solutions To Access Home Theater Media And Share On A Network

6 May 2016
 Categories: Technology, Blog

If you are installing a home theater in your home, there are many different solutions that you may want to consider for technology, which can include media computers and servers that allow you to stream files and manage your files on your home network. The home theater is a great place to locate home servers, which can be used for various tasks, as well as allow you to manage and download media from anywhere. Read More …

The 3 Worst Pieces Of DIY Tablet And Smartphone Repair Advice

7 May 2015
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Mobile devices are practically a necessity in today's technology-driven world, and they really can make your life easier. Or at least, they make your life easier until they get dropped or wet, or the battery dies for good. When these things happen, it can be a major inconvenience. If you don't have the time or money to replace the device or get it repaired right away, it can be tempting to go looking for DIY repair instructions that you can do at home. Read More …